03.02.22 Fraud Alerts: Romance Scams Hit Fever Pitch / ZELLE No

Published: March 2, 2022, 8 p.m.

b'Romance scams have skyrocketed with hundreds of millions lost to criminals exploiting pandemic vulnerability. And they\\u2019re stealing via untraceable fake crypto exchanges. Clark walks through how this happens so you can protect your heart - and wallet. Scam 2: Zelle, the cash payment app pushed by banks offering no consumer protections - is ripe for scammers & they\\u2019re all over it. Clark details Zelle scams and recommends one clear action to secure your account from this menace.\\xa0\\n\\nRomance Scams Escalate: Segment 1\\n\\nAsk Clark: Segment 2\\n\\nScam Warning: ZELLE: Segment 3\\n\\nAsk Clark: Segment 4\\n\\n\\xa0\\nMentioned on the show:\\n\\nWhat Is Disability Insurance and Should I Buy It?\\n\\nLongevity Insurance Is a Smart Buy at Retirement\\n\\nThe Best Time To Buy a Car\\n\\nEnd of life body donation: Contact a university based medical center\\n\\nRestricted Stock Unit (RSU) Definition - Investopedia\\n\\n\\xa0\\nClark.com resources\\n\\nEpisode transcripts\\n\\nClark.com daily money newsletter\\n\\n\\nConsumer Action Center Free Helpline: 636-492-5275\\n\\n\\nLearn more about your ad choices: megaphone.fm/adchoices\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices'