535 | What We Tell Ourselves

Published: Aug. 15, 2023, 7:40 p.m.

b'Use the timestamps below to guide you better as a leader or individual:

  • Top things to coach ourselves on. 0:00
    • Welcome to the chrisliccardo show.
    • The top advice and counsel for well-being.
  • Battling the lies with the truths. 1:39
    • We\'re all human, and life can be tough.
    • The first question to ask yourself.
  • How am I allowing situations to affect my worth? 3:12
    • Struggling to know one\'s worth.
    • Your worth is not what man thinks of you.
  • How to set healthy boundaries. 5:09
    • The first thing to do when someone is struggling.
    • The importance of healthy boundaries.
  • How does this apply to you? 7:24
    • Emotionally handcuffed to the situation.
    • Know what your worth is from god.
  • Am I taking on unrealistic expectations of myself? 8:47
    • Unrealistic expectations of others tied to worth and value.
    • Being seen as a father.
  • The struggle of being a father figure. 10:19
    • Treasure being a father figure.
    • Struggling with being seen as a father.
  • Take responsibility and solve the problem. 12:03
    • Start with yourself first.
    • Recognize that it is the other person struggling.
  • Busting it for god and the people he has given me to serve. 14:37
    • Number three, busting it for god.
    • Mission statement, worship god and serving others.
  • What if we\\u2019re being selfish? 16:49
    • Selfishness and self-centeredness can lead to self-destructive behavior.
    • A healthy boundary is necessary.
    • You can\'t afford to ignore these three aspects.
    • Download the healthy vineyard for free.