104 | Leading Your Former Boss

Published: Feb. 23, 2015, 7:58 p.m.

b'It\\u2019s time for another AskChris episode and we have 2 great questions.
Brian\\u2019s question is unique, how do you lead your former boss?

Leadership is not managing people. The goal of leadership is to lead others in the direction of the vision of the company. And you do this by first understanding, \\u201cwho am I trying to lead?\\u201d.

When it\\u2019s your former boss, you need to understand that you may also be dealing with some emotions. Understanding how she acts, reacts, responds, receives info, gives info, etc. will give you a HUGE advantage. You know what will shut her down and motivate her. This is crucial.

Secondly, you need to earn her respect. You\\u2019ve heard me say, it\\u2019s your job to make your team successful, not the other way around. If you will make sure she is set up for success and has everything she needs\\u2026she will allow you to lead her. She\\u2019ll see that you are for her.

You shouldn\\u2019t be guarded! Being guarded means you are putting up walls and not healthy boundaries. Being guarded is never beneficial. You need to attack the thing that leads you to feel the need to be guarded.

If there\\u2019s an issue\\u2026call it out. LEAD!

Megan\\u2019s questions is about Root Systems. She is wondering if I have any more resources that I would recommend.

Well, assuming you have listened to this episode: http://chrislocurto.com/understanding-your-root-system/, I\\u2019ve got a few more ideas for you too so jump in!

And you can leave a question or comment here: chrislocurto.com/askchris.

Your question just might end up on the podcast like these listeners!'