Releasing the Motherload with Erica Djossa, Episode #79

Published: May 8, 2024, 7 a.m.

\xa0Every mom wants to be a good parent\u2014but if you\u2019ve found yourself burned out and overwhelmed trying to be \u201cthe perfect mom,\u201d you\u2019re not alone. \u201cWe get handed a rulebook of motherhood without realizing it,\u201d says Canada's maternal mental health specialist and the founder and CEO of Momwell Erica Djossa. \u201cThat rulebook comes with an invisible load\u2014a world of mental and physical tasks that keep us pushing toward perfection while barely being able to breathe.\u201d In todays podcast, Erica talks about her book "Releasing the Motherload" - and shares suggestions on how to help you break free from the crushing burden of unrealistic expectations and reclaim the joy of motherhood while staying true to your own values.

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