CF104 - Grace Before Meals

Published: Jan. 17, 2011, 5:13 a.m.

b'Today we are going to talk about a dynamic priest who dons not only a Roman collar, but also a chef\\u2019s apron. I\\u2019m talking Fr. Leo Patalinghug, folks. You know, the priest who kicked Bobby Flay\\u2019s butt in a Throwdown in early 2010. Fr. Leo\\u2019s \\u201ccooking\\u201d ministry is called Grace Before Meals, and today I\\u2019d like to share a few thoughts with you about the Grace Before Meals movement.\\nAlso on the lineup today: \\n\\t- A wine recommendation\\n\\t- My recipe for Cajun Round Steak Parmesan\\n\\t- A healthy debate on food and business\\n\\t- And Sarah Reinhard joins us with her Mary in the Kitchen segment.'