336: G&E "Life Strategies"

Published: June 13, 2018, 4 p.m.


To be successful in, and at, life and create what will truly make you satisfied, you need to visualize it. Your life isn\\u2019t your job, it\\u2019s not your marriage, it\\u2019s not your kids or the people in it. Don\\u2019t limit yourself. Visualize and plan who you want to be, and how you want your life to be.

1. Prioritize the life you want. This is not putting your family first, your role as a husband or wife first, or even your role as a parent. It\\u2019s putting yourself first and understanding what you need. By being whole, you\\u2019ll enjoy others and situations as a compliment to your prioritized life, and not a \\u201cfix\\u201d to complete you.

2. Identify and avoid situations that aren\\u2019t good, but occurring over and over. Stuck in traffic constantly and getting home angry and frustrated? Change it. Move closer to work. You can\\u2019t be a good partner, parent or contributor if you are shut down, angry, and upset. Is your health upsetting you? Fix it, do what you need to do to feel better about yourself or take action to heal.

These are not short-term fixes or goals. Create a life that no one can destroy. The potential is in all of us. Make a decision and commit. Pursue living a great
