278: How to Handle Chaos

Published: Sept. 1, 2017, 9:41 p.m.


Bad things happen to good people. Hurricane Harvey is a perfect example of this. People didn\\u2019t plan on this happening\\u2014and that\\u2019s why you have to be financially prepared in advance. As I just flew back from relief efforts in Houston, I\\u2019m reminded of what I talk about in
10X Rule\\u2014people underestimate the effort required to keep the show on the road. When chaos comes, when the hurricane hits, how do you handle it?

1) Stay Committed to Success & Prioritize\\u2014 On Tuesday I wasn\\u2019t worried about who was going to handle the supplies in Houston, because the first step was simply going to CostCo in Miami to get the supplies. You don\\u2019t need to figure everything out from beginning to end, just start by going A from B. Get moving!

2) Your Safety and Success First\\u2014Put yourself at risk, not in more danger. You can\\u2019t help anyone if you get yourself hurt.

3) Start Getting Products/Results\\u2014You need to have something to give when people are in need. Products are solutions, and solutions give results. The fact is, the only way to fix chaos is with results.

4) Economics - Start raising more money through whatever means possible and use the money to solve more problems and prepare for the next chaotic event. I got many of my friends to donate to Hurricane Harvey relief simply by stepping up to lead. We live on an economic planet, so you are not going to solve chaos without money\\u2014sorry, it\\u2019s not going to happen.

There is no class on chaos. You\\u2019re taught how to read and write in school but nothing on how to handle chaos. How silly is that?

Handling chaos is one of the most important lessons you can learn in life. It was 22 hours turnaround time from the idea I had on Tuesday of bringing supplies to the people of Houston to the landing of 10X airlines in Houston on Thursday. I told my COO on Tuesday that I wanted to bring supplies to the people of Houston because the city is so close to my heart.

As many of you know I grew up nearby Houston, in Lake Charles, Louisiana. I started my business in Houston and lived there for several years before moving to California years ago. When I saw there were millions of people affected by the storm and the recovery efforts were needed, I knew I needed to take action.

There was a severe need for basic supplies for residents and relief workers. The people of Houston couldn\\u2019t wait, and I wanted to help the city and the people that have been so good to me\\u2026 so I asked others to join me in the support.

After packing my plane full of supplies and flying into the area to contribute goods to the efforts, I still want to help, so thru\\xa0Sunday, I am donating ALL proceeds of 2018 10X Growth Conference tickets to our relief efforts here\\xa0https://10xgrowthcon.com/

If you have been thinking about how you can contribute, this is it. Let\\u2019s show the people of Houston what\\xa010X\\xa0is all about
