Skincare and Sustainability with Thrive Natural Care CEO Alex McIntosh

Published: April 4, 2023, 4 a.m.


Skincare is essential in keeping your skin healthy, nourished, and thriving. Some brands sacrifice the Earth\\u2019s abundance of powerful natural ingredients for non-sustainable, synthetic products that damage the planet and those who inhabit it. Thanks to trailblazing brands like Thrive Natural Care, you can enjoy rejuvenated skin that\\u2019s good for your body, the planet, and local farming communities.


Alex and his team found the resources they need in Costa Rica, including their (not so secret) weapon against sensitive and struggling skin \\u2014 unique superplants, chosen for their superior skincare benefits and restorative role in local ecosystems. These potent superplants are farmed using a regenerative model that supercharges their skin benefits while restoring health to degraded ecosystems and improving the livelihood of rural farmers.


In this episode, Nicole Gregory chats with  Alex McIntosh about regenerative farming, sustainable skincare, and the unique superplants that power Thrive!


Connect With Alex McIntosh & Thrive natural care:


Thrive Website


Alex McIntosh\'s LinkedIn


Connect With Nicole Gregory:






Topics covered in this episode:

  • \\u201cLeave it better\\u201d ethos
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  • Thrive Natural Care\\u2019s regenerative mission
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  • How superplants differ from those in traditional, non-regenerative agriculture
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  • Designing products for a diverse population
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