
Published: June 19, 2024, 6:15 p.m.


It\\u2019s Fallon\\u2019s birthday and she and Harrison look forward to their takeaway later. The atmosphere\\u2019s broken by a text from Alan to Harrison about the memorial prayers last week. Fallon\\u2019s furious but Harrison can\\u2019t understand why. They were private prayers with Alan. But Fallon thinks it\\u2019s another example of Harrison not respecting her feelings.

Adam drives Alice to her GP appointment with Azra. In the car park Adam and Alice chat about Friday\\u2019s court hearing. Alice is terrified about the outcome and really needs a drink, but Adam\\u2019s reassuring. If Azra can prescribe something that helps Alice stop drinking, then maybe she could chat to Lilian tomorrow about her Stables job. But Alice doesn\\u2019t think she can face Lilian after all she\\u2019s done. Alice suddenly gets cold feet about seeing Azra, so Adam\\u2019s left to convince Azra to come to the car. If Alice can keep off alcohol, Azra will prescribe a short course of medication to reduce the effects of withdrawal. Alice agrees, but Azra warns it\\u2019s only a short-term fix.

Mick\\u2019s delighted that Joy\\u2019s come to his rescue by ironing his work clothes. She\\u2019ll do his laundry once a week and he can use her bathroom as the motorhome\\u2019s so compact. In return Mick offers to do Joy\\u2019s garden. Later Mick can\\u2019t thank Joy enough for saving his job by helping with his appearance. To show his gratitude he takes her up on to the Grey Gable\\u2019s roof to watch the setting sun. Mick apologises about messing up over Rochelle. If Joy is ever ready to talk about it, he\\u2019ll be there to listen.
