
Published: April 11, 2024, 6:15 p.m.


During breakfast Will and George chat about Ed and Emma\\u2019s meeting with Jamie Perks. George says Will should concentrate on strategy rather than the day-to-day work. He pontificates about what he\\u2019s learned on his business course about thinking big \\u2013 and how a firm\\u2019s name should reflect that. Susan arrives to edit her shop testimonial videos with George, but he says they are unusable.\\nFallon tells Eddie that she has a staffing problem: Emma\\u2019s away so she\\u2019s on her own in the tea room. But Eddie has an idea. Fallon calls George and he says he\\u2019ll get there as fast as he can, much to Susan\\u2019s annoyance. George tells her she\\u2019d be better off scrapping her videos and starting again. At the tea room, he couldn\\u2019t be more helpful. Fallon says he\\u2019ll soon be too successful to wait tables. He tells her he wants to earn enough money to make life easy for his family. Before he goes, she asks if he'll clear the air with Jolene. He agrees to pop in to The Bull on his way home. He suggests he could come back to help again when Emma is away on her course but Fallon needs to find someone full time.\\nWill and Eddie are working on a patio, with the younger Grundy doing most of the grafting. Eddie is thinking about Bartleby\\u2019s next video, with Justin Elliott as the intended target. Eddie says Ed and Emma seemed frosty towards each other before they left this morning \\u2013 something to do with Grey Gables, Will suggests.
