United Tools, Drought Finds, and the Most Important Site in the World - Ep 176

Published: June 19, 2022, 8 a.m.

b"MEMBERS: CHECK YOUR AD-FREE DOWNLOADS FOR THIS EPISODE'S BONUS SEGMENT!\\nWe've got a lot to cover in this news episode. We start with a tale of the Swiss\\nArmy Knife of southern Africa. Then we talk about a site in Iraq visible now\\nbecause of drought and being recording in a rapid way. Then we go to Turkey to\\ntalk about the most famous site in the world: Gobekli Tepe. But wait, there's\\nmore! For members we have a bonus segment about the world's oldest company.\\nInterested in learning about how to use X-Rays and similar technology in\\narchaeology? Check out the linked PaleoImaging course from James Elliot!\\n[https://www.paleoimaging.com/about-the-paleoradiography-course]\\nConnect with James on Twitter: @paleoimaging [https://twitter.com/Paleoimaging]\\nInterested in sponsoring this show or podcast ads for your business? Zencastr\\nmakes it really easy! Click this message for more info.\\n[https://zen.ai/thearchaeologyshow]\\nStart your own podcast with Zencastr and get 30% off your first three months\\nwith code TAS. Click this message for more information.\\n[https://zencastr.com/pricing?coupon=TAS&fpr=bgfoz]\\n\\nLinks\\n\\n * 65,000 year-old 'Swiss Army knife' proves ancient humans shared knowledge,\\n research says.\\n [https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/jun/09/65000-year-old-swiss-army-knife-proves-ancient-humans-shared-knowledge-research-says?CMP=oth_b-aplnews_d-1]\\n * Ancient city emerges as Mosul's dam is drained\\n [https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/ancient-city-emerges-as-mosuls-dam-is-drained-g8vd8jg0k]\\n * Drought in Iraq Reveals 3,400-Year-Old City\\n [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/drought-in-iraq-reveals-3400-year-old-city-180980188/]\\n * Turkish hilltop where civilization began\\n [https://phys.org/news/2022-06-turkish-hilltop-civilisation-began.html]\\n\\nContact\\n\\n * Chris Webster\\n * chris@archaeologypodcastnetwork.com\\n\\nArchPodNet\\n\\n * APN Website: https://www.archpodnet.com [https://www.archpodnet.com/]\\n * APN on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/archpodnet\\n * APN on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/archpodnet\\n * APN on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/archpodnet\\n * Tee Public Store\\n [https://www.teepublic.com/stores/archaeology-podcast-network?ref_id=5724]\\n\\nAffiliates\\n\\n * Wildnote [http://www.wildnoteapp.com/]\\n * TeePublic [https://www.teepublic.com/?ref_id=5724&ref_type=aff]\\n * Timeular [https://timeular.com/ref/chriswebster/]\\n * Motion [https://www.archpodnet.com/motion]"