Two archaeologists visit Chichen Itza - Ep 118

Published: April 11, 2021, 8 a.m.

b'We recently had the opportunity to visit Chichen Itza in Yucat\\xe1n, Mexico. It was\\nan incredible experience, but, being archaeologists, we of course came away with\\nmore questions than were answered! In this episode we give a brief overview\\nMayan civilization, including Chichen Itza, and then talk about our experience\\non an incredibly touristy tour! The take away is, do a little research ahead of\\ntime (like listening to this podcast!) to help prepare yourself before visiting\\nthe site!\\nLinks\\n * Chichen Itza (Park website) []\\n * Chichen Itza []\\n * The Sunlight Effect of Kukulcan or the History of a line\\n []\\n * Pre-Hispanic city of Chichen Itza (UNESCO)\\n []\\n * Chichen Itza (Britannica) []\\n * Roadster Adventures\\n []\\n\\nContact\\n * Chris Webster\\n *\\n\\nPlease Visit Our Sponsors!\\n * Archaeology Southwest Cafe:\\n\\n\\nAffiliates\\n * Wildnote []\\n * TeePublic []\\n * Timeular []'