Stealing Archaeology - Ep 201

Published: Jan. 8, 2023, 9 a.m.

b"This week we happened across 3 different stories in the News about to looting and the collection of antiquities both by museums and individuals. There are many ways that looting happens, and it can have far reaching effects on both the looter(s) and the people from whom they stole.\\n\\nLinks\\n\\n * Oscar White Muscarella, archaeologist who exposed looted artifacts and fakes, dies at 91 []\\n * TAS Episode 165 - Desert Kites, Miami Pre-History, and Illicit Antiquities []\\n * An Open Letter to Arrowhead Hunters []\\n * Spanish police find hundreds of archaeological artefacts at two homes []\\n * U.S. Returns Artifacts Taken from Iraq Museum in 2003 Invasion []\\n * U.S. Returns Thousands of Artifacts, Including Hobby Lobby's Gilgamesh Tablet, to Iraq []\\n * National Museum, Baghdad: 10 Years Later []\\n * World War II Looted Art: Turning History into Justice []\\n\\nContact\\n\\n * Chris Webster\\n\\n * Rachel Roden\\n\\n RachelUnraveled (Instagram) []\\n\\nArchPodNet\\n\\n * APN Website: []\\n * APN on Facebook:\\n * APN on Twitter:\\n * APN on Instagram:\\n * Tee Public Store []\\n\\nAffiliates\\n\\n * Wildnote []\\n * TeePublic []\\n * Timeular []\\n * Motion []"