Shipwrecks! - Ep 177

Published: June 26, 2022, 8 a.m.

b"Randomly, there were lots of shipwreck stories in the news this week, so we\\ndecided to do a themed episode! First up, we have a story about a shipwreck\\nrecovery off the coast of Oregon. Then we move over to a viking age shipyard\\nthat was discovered in Sweden. And finally, the excavation of a ship from the\\nmiddle ages presents a unique challenge to archaeologists.\\nInterested in learning about how to use X-Rays and similar technology in\\narchaeology? Check out the linked PaleoImaging course from James Elliot!\\n[]\\nConnect with James on Twitter: @paleoimaging []\\nInterested in sponsoring this show or podcast ads for your business? Zencastr\\nmakes it really easy! Click this message for more info.\\n[]\\nStart your own podcast with Zencastr and get 30% off your first three months\\nwith code TAS. Click this message for more information.\\n[]\\n\\nLinks\\n\\n * Legendary Spanish galleon shipwreck discovered on Oregon coast\\n []\\n * 'First of its Kind' Viking Age Shipyard Discovered at Birka, a Swedish World\\n Heritage Site\\n []\\n * Press Release from Stockholm University: Unique Viking Age Shipyard\\n discovered at Birka\\n []\\n * The Report: En vikingatida varvsplats vid Kugghamn, Birka: Arkeologiska\\n unders\\xf6kningar av L2022:2719, Birka, Bj\\xf6rk\\xf6,Adels\\xf6 socken, Uppland, augusti\\n 2020 och 2021\\n []\\n * Archaeologists race against time to study crumbling 1,300-year-old shipwreck\\n []\\n * TAS Vikings Episode\\n []\\n\\nContact\\n\\n * Chris Webster\\n *\\n * Rachel Roden\\n *\\n * RachelUnraveled (Instagram) []\\n\\nArchPodNet\\n\\n * APN Website: []\\n * APN on Facebook:\\n * APN on Twitter:\\n * APN on Instagram:\\n * Tee Public Store\\n []\\n\\nAffiliates\\n\\n * Wildnote []\\n * TeePublic []\\n * Timeular []\\n * Motion []"