Roman City Markers, a 4k yo Iraqi City, and a 13k yo Battle - Ep 132

Published: Aug. 1, 2021, 8 a.m.

b"On this weeks episode we have 3 interesting archaeology news articles. First up\\nis the discovery of a Roman Pomerium marker defining the boundary of city of\\nRome 2000 years ago. Second, a 4000 year old city in Iraq has been discovered.\\nAnd finally, a reanalysis of skeletons from a Pleistocene era graveyard in Sudan\\nprovide new insight into how the people buried there died.\\nLinks\\n * Ancient Rome's city borders were discovered in a rare stone\\n []\\n * 4,000-year-old city discovered in Iraq\\n []\\n * Scientific Reports: New insights on interpersonal violence in the Late\\n Pleistocene based on the Nile valley cemetery of Jebel Sahaba\\n * Nature\\n []\\n * Daily Mail\\n []\\n\\nContact\\n * Chris Webster\\n *\\n\\nArchPodNet\\n * APN Website: []\\n * APN on Facebook:\\n * APN on Twitter:\\n * APN on Instagram:\\n * Tee Public Store\\n []\\n\\nAffiliates\\n * Wildnote []\\n * TeePublic []\\n * Timeular []"