Oldest ritual in the world? - Ep 270

Published: July 8, 2024, 8 a.m.

b"First up this week we look at one more reason why Cahokia wasn't all of a sudden abandoned the way researchers had once assumed. Then, excavations at a site in Lake George, NY may (or may not!) shed some light on a 1700's era Smallpox hospital. And finally, is it possible that a ritual has been passed down 12,000 years? New evidence in Australia suggests it is!\\n\\nLinks\\n\\n * Archaeologists dispute theory of largest Native American city's abandonment [https://www.newsweek.com/archaeologists-dispute-theory-largest-native-american-city-abandonment-1921529]\\n * In Lake George, they're sifting through history [https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/lake-george-sifting-history-19544204.php]\\n * 12,000-year-old ritual passed down 500 generations may be world's oldest [https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/04/science/worlds-oldest-ritual-intl-scli-scn/]\\n * Archaeological evidence of an ethnographically documented Australian Aboriginal ritual dated to the last ice age [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-024-01912-w]\\n\\nContact\\n\\n * Chris Webster\\n chris@archaeologypodcastnetwork.com\\n * Rachel Roden\\n rachel@unraveleddesigns.com\\n RachelUnraveled (Instagram) [https://www.instagram.com/rachelunraveled/]\\n\\nArchPodNet\\n\\n * APN Website: https://www.archpodnet.com [https://www.archpodnet.com/]\\n * APN on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/archpodnet\\n * APN on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/archpodnet\\n * APN on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/archpodnet\\n * Tee Public Store: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/archaeology-podcast-network?ref_id=5724\\n\\nAffiliates\\n\\n * Motion [https://www.archpodnet.com/motion]:"