Ancient Inequality, A Slave Ship and Giant Statues - Ep 175

Published: June 12, 2022, 8 a.m.

b"There's a lot in the archaeology news as field seasons around the world kick off\\ninto high gear! This week we've got stories about the quantifying inequality\\namong past societies, the conservations efforts around the last ship to bring\\nslaves to the United States, and giant statues in Sardinia. That's giant\\nstatues, not statues of giants!\\nInterested in learning about how to use X-Rays and similar technology in\\narchaeology? Check out the linked PaleoImaging course from James Elliot!\\n[]\\nConnect with James on Twitter: @paleoimaging []\\nInterested in sponsoring this show or podcast ads for your business? Zencastr\\nmakes it really easy! Click this message for more info.\\n[]\\nStart your own podcast with Zencastr and get 30% off your first three months\\nwith code TAS. Click this message for more information.\\n[]\\n\\nLinks\\n\\n * Why some ancient societies were more unequal than others (BBC)\\n []\\n * Greater post-Neolithic wealth disparities in Eurasia than in North America\\n and Mesoamerica (Nature) []\\n * Unlocking the Secrets of the 'Clotilda,' the Last Known Slave Ship\\n []\\n * 100 Amazing Facts About the Negro\\n []\\n * Archaeologists Unearth 3,000-Year-Old Giant Statues in Sardinian Necropolis\\n []\\n\\nContact\\n\\n * Chris Webster\\n *\\n\\nArchPodNet\\n\\n * APN Website: []\\n * APN on Facebook:\\n * APN on Twitter:\\n * APN on Instagram:\\n * Tee Public Store\\n []\\n\\nAffiliates\\n\\n * Wildnote []\\n * TeePublic []\\n * Timeular []\\n * Motion []"