How to Not Drift In Your Relationship

Published: Oct. 31, 2019, 5 a.m.

John Kim (The Angry Therapist) is doing things differently. Therapy in a shot glass. Ten minutes, no filler.____\n\xa0\nSakara brings life-transforming, plant-rich super meals to your door, ready-to-eat.\n$60 OFF your first order at\xa0Sakara\nWe deliver nationwide.\nSakara meals and products are backed by cutting-edge nutrition science and traditional healing wisdom to give your body what it needs to thrive.\nclick here -->\\n____\nMusic in this episode is by Keshco. The Angry Therapist Podcast\xa0is Produced and Audio Engineered by Amanda Meyncke, with support from Stephanie Zoccatelli.\nWant to change your own life, give back to others and change the way others experience the world? Let's talk.\xa0Become a life coach.\n\n \nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit