TAM+ EP4 Unstuck & Unstoppable: Navigating Change with the Stages of Change Model

Published: Feb. 1, 2024, 8:05 a.m.

b"This episode dives into the Stages of Change Model, a powerful tool for understanding and navigating personal growth. Hosts Duane and Eric explore the six stages: pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and relapse. They emphasize the model's humanistic approach, acknowledging that change is a non-linear journey with room for setbacks and restarts. Learn how to identify your current stage, overcome obstacles, and move towards lasting positive change.\\nDownload: Stages of Change Model\\nKey Topics:\\n\\nThe six stages of the Stages of Change Model\\n\\nRecognizing your current stage of change\\n\\nOvercoming challenges in each stage\\n\\nMoving from contemplation to action\\n\\nThe role of relapse in the change process\\n\\nApplying the model to personal growth and addiction recovery\\n\\nTimestamps:\\n\\nIntroduction (00:00-01:00)\\n\\nOverview of the Stages of Change Model (01:00-03:32)\\n\\nDeep Dive into the Six Stages (03:32-10:47)\\n\\nAddressing Criticisms and Benefits of the Model (10:47-12:26)\\n\\nPractical Applications and Resources (12:26-15:39)\\n\\n\\nBonus:\\nDownload the free worksheet on the Stages of Change Model in the show notes!\\n\\nDownload: Stages of Change Model\\n\\nWe want to hear from you!\\nLeave us a message or ask us a question: https://www.speakpipe.com/addictedmind\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices"