53: The Body Remembers - Somatic Experiencing with Suzie Wolfer

Published: Nov. 13, 2018, 8 a.m.

b'On this episode of The Addicted Mind podcast, our guest is Suzie Wolfer, LCSW, SEP a therapist specializing in Somatic Experiencing\\xae, a powerful system of healing trauma and addiction at it\\u2019s core and for completing trauma so that it\\u2019s let go of you.\\nSign Up For our 6 Day Mindfulness Email Series\\ntheaddictedmind.com/mindfulness\\nSomatic means \\u201cof the body,\\u201d which includes the sensations we feel when we experience different emotions and thoughts. Trauma and stress are stored in the body, causing behaviors, patterns or responses arising from implicit memory system or the unconscious.\\nOur initial reaction to the uncomfortable feelings that are associated with trauma and stress is to stabilize these feelings by managing them from the \\u201ctop down,\\u201d striving to suppress, control, or make the feelings go away. This desire to manage troubling thoughts and emotions, though useful in the short term, keeps us from healing the underlying stuck patterns, that show up as chronic Fight, Flight or Freeze behaviors or a combination of these.\\nWith somatic therapy, we help your body remember how to complete stuck Fight, Flight or Freeze patterns\\xa0We call this re-negotiation.\\xa0Instead of trying to get rid of scary, infuriating or numbing feelings and thoughts, you learn to watch them, especially in how your body expresses them.\\nImagine a roller coaster. It can be scary and exhilarating to feel the car taking you up, up, up to tower over the precipice, wondering if the little wheels will keep you safely on the rails. Challenging emotions, even pleasure, can start to feel scary, and it\\u2019s easy to use substances or compulsive behaviors to try to manage or outrun the sense of threat they pose, of \\u201cgoing off the rails.\\u201d\\xa0The closer we get to the top of the roller coaster, the more energy builds inside us, including excitement.\\nWhen you are able to observe what\\u2019s happening inside, especially observe your body sensations associated with thoughts and emotions, these emotional messengers can deliver their message and let go of you.\\xa0\\nWhen that happens, like when the roller coaster car comes back to the platform, you may feel a good feeling, a smile on your face, as you get off on level ground and go on to the next thing.\\xa0Maybe even a little more confident in your ability of face challenges!\\nEpisode Link\\ntheaddictedmind.com/53\\nIn the past decade of supporting her patients with Somatic Experiencing\\xae Therapy, Suzie has found that this gentle approach helps people not only feel better, but get better, a little at a time, and in every session.\\xa0\\nLike a caboose on a train, the thinking process is sometimes the last to know!\\nHere\\u2019s a little 3-step process you can try at home:\\n\\nAre you safe? Yes or no.\\xa0Notice that feeling safe and being safe in this moment are two different things.\\n\\nUsing your 5 senses, notice signals or data are you getting from the world outside you, which confirm that you are safe. What are these signals?\\n\\nNext, notice what happens in your body when you confirm that you are safe in this moment. Perhaps savor what you discover.\\n\\n\\xa0If you could take one thing from this podcast, here\\u2019s what Suzie would like you to know:\\xa0\\n\\u201cThat you may discover that you are not broken.\\xa0\\xa0Your body is simply trying to solve a different problem than your mind.\\xa0Collaborating with your biology will help you heal and release stored trauma and feel like yourself again.\\u201d\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices'