155: Healing Through Plant-Based Medicine and Deconstructing Our Belief System with Howard Lipp

Published: Nov. 15, 2021, 10 a.m.

b'On today\'s episode, Duane speaks with Howard Lipp about the recovery he experienced after coming up against a wall that he couldn\'t move. He also shares about the experience he had in rehab that led him to do some work with psychedelics. This enabled him to transcend and find a way out of his suffering and pain.\\nHoward jumped into the world of recovery in 2002 after hitting a wall with drugs and alcohol which he describes as impenetrable. He later realized he had a callous on his forehead from running into the same wall for such a long time without realizing it. Although he wasn\'t actively suicidal, he no longer wanted to live the way he was living.\\nTherefore, he went through a Pavlovian conditioning program that worked for a while. The problem was that it didn\'t solve the internal conflict he had within him: his feelings of worthlessness and all the pain he carried from his past of abuse and bullying.\\xa0\\nHoward went through most of his life believing there was something foundationally wrong with him. It was easy to grab evidence from his experience as a child and from the fact that he needed something outside of himself to feel okay in his skin. The only thing that shut that up was alcohol. It worked well. The problem is, eventually every substance will fail.\\nHoward went to a treatment center and had the most unusual experience after being awake for 21 days. Then, he didn\'t move for three days and had no detox symptoms or medications applied to his body.\\xa0\\nToday, Howard talks about the out-of-body experience he had at this treatment center. He also shares his first experience with plant-based medicine and how it broke through something within him. He felt an immediate connection to the presence of a great mystery of spirit.\\xa0\\nHe later realized that his addiction was not to a substance but to his thinking. He believed every single thought he had and that the thinker was him rather than the construct itself. He also started to see how his experience had informed his beliefs.\\xa0\\nIn this episode, you will hear:\\n\\nThe belief that leads to a feeling of unworthiness\\n\\nLooking beyond the constructive self\\n\\nThe self-flagellating false self that beats the crap out of us\\n\\nThe belief that we\\u2019re separate from the Divine\\n\\nWhy circumstances are not the challenge but the thinking mind is\\n\\nWhat happens when you use your mind as the guidance system for living\\n\\nThe benefits of plant-based medicine in healing addiction and trauma\\n\\nKey Quotes:\\n[03:13] - \\u201cYou can\'t solve the problem with the thing that\'s causing the problem.\\u201d\\n[04:50] - "We come from the realm of the great mystery, and land into a body and we\'re not received as this whole and complete being. Instead, we\'re given lots of reasons why we\'re not whole and complete."\\n[12:28] - "As Michael Palin says, \\u2018If you really want to change your mind, you\'re going to have to address these false selves.\\u2019"\\xa0\\n[16:25] - "Nobody is really suffering from an addiction to a substance and that is a known fact that it\'s a symptom."\\n[23:16] - \\u201cPsychedelics bring you into the present moment and you can\'t run away.\\u201d\\n[29:32] - \\u201cMy suffering is not what\'s happening in the moment. It\'s the story I tell myself about it.\\u201d\\n[42:02] - "The greatest lie we tell ourselves and our kids is that the value of a human being can be codified or quantified by anything of this world, our job, or money or all of that. But the essence of what we are can\\u2019t be measured."\\nIf you really enjoyed this episode, we\\u2019ve created a PDF that has all of the key information for you from the episode. Just go to the episode page at www.theaddictedmind.com\\xa0to download it.\\nSupporting Resources:\\nwww.enaandhoward.com\\xa0\\nEpisode Credits\\nIf you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Danny Ozment.\\nFind out more at https://emeraldcitypro.com\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices'