151: Understanding The Trauma Map with Dr. Karol Darsa

Published: Oct. 18, 2021, 8 a.m.

b'On today\\u2019s episode, Duane speaks with Dr. Karol Darsa about how to recognize trauma as well as some of the first steps you need to take to deal with trauma. Karol is the author of the book, The Trauma Map: Five Steps to Reconnect With Yourself. She dives deep into how trauma impacts us in our everyday life as well as what we can do to deal with our traumatic histories so we can heal and feel better.\\nIf you have struggled with some trauma in your past, hopefully you will get a lot of insights from this episode as Karol shares her professional wisdom on recovering from trauma. A licensed psychologist for 23 years, Karol found herself repeating certain information over and over again. She realized what was really missing in a lot of people\'s minds was the understanding of what trauma is and what it does. Maybe they knew what trauma was but didn\'t understand that it could impact them to the degree that it was impacting them.\\xa0\\nMany people think trauma only applies to people who have been to war or were sexually abused. They don\'t consider other things to be trauma. However, trauma can also result from smaller incidents when people didn\'t even realize they felt traumatized.\\xa0\\nHoping to explain the basics of trauma and how it works, Karol decided to write the book, The Trauma Map: Five Steps to Reconnect With Yourself. Karol also noticed an overarching characteristic of self-blame among her clients who were dealing with trauma. They were quick to judge themselves much more than they should. Therefore, Karol also wrote the book as a great tool for minimizing self-blame.\\nIn this episode, you will hear:\\n\\nWhat trauma is\\n\\nWhat the different types of trauma could look like\\n\\nWhy the power of positive thinking sometimes backfires for people\\n\\nRecognizing relational trauma\\n\\nHow trauma causes you to disconnect from your body\\n\\nWhy people find it difficult to face painful situations\\n\\nDismissing your feelings means a lack of self-acceptance\\n\\nHow to eliminate self-blame\\n\\nKey Quotes:\\n[03:49] - \\u201cWhat was really missing in a lot of people\'s minds is really the understanding of what trauma is, and what it does.\\u201d\\n[04:57] - \\u201cThe power of the positive thinking, sometimes that actually backfires for a lot of people.\\u201d\\n[05:56] - \\u201cMany people think trauma means if you been to war, or maybe if you were sexually abused, but other than that, people don\'t consider other things as trauma.\\u201d\\n[06:31] - \\u201cTrauma is a situation where it\'s so overwhelming that it makes you feel powerless, basically unable to cope.\\u201d\\n[07:13] - \\u201cThe most common trauma that people minimize is relational trauma.\\u201d\\n[09:30] - "In the relational traumas, reactions don\'t function that way. People have to be able to look at their symptoms and recognize it."\\n[13:50] - "We have a limited capacity to actually face painful situations. As human beings, we all are that way."\\n[17:17] - "One of the problems of dismissing feelings or putting things away or dismissing our body is that we are ultimately not accepting who we are."\\nIf you really enjoyed this episode, we\\u2019ve created a PDF that has all of the key information for you from the episode. Just go to the episode page at www.theaddictedmind.com\\xa0to download it.\\nSupporting Resources:\\nThe Trauma Map\\nEpisode Credits\\nIf you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Danny Ozment.\\nFind out more at https://emeraldcitypro.com\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices'