Intimidation Game w/ Mouzam Makkar

Published: Aug. 3, 2021, 10 a.m.

b'Today covers SVU\\u2019s \\u201cIntimidation Game\\u201d (Season 16, Episode 14), the Gamergate controversy, the story of Anita Sarkeesian, and Kara and Liza talk with the episode\\u2019s lead, Mouzam Makkar.\\xa0\\n\\nSOURCES:\\nWashington Post\\nCosmopolitan\\nFeminist Frequency\\xa0\\nIGN\\nNY Times\\nWikipedia\\n\\nWHAT WOULD SISTER PEG DO:\\nFeminist Frequency -\\xa0\\n\\nNext week\\u2019s episode will be \\u201cCharisma\\u201d (Season 6, Episode 7).\\xa0\\n\\n \\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'