Tech As New Value In 2023, Stock Picks: NVDA, META, MSFT

Published: Feb. 8, 2023, 10:53 p.m.

b'Nasdaq has seen a sixth week of gains which has not been seen since 2019. "Interest rates have fallen and large cap growth stocks have surged. The stock market today has shifted from defensive to offensive stocks. Meta Platforms (META), previously Facebook (FB), has risen back to glory but is still undervalued. The stock buyback and cost restructuring is benefiting shares. Also, Microsoft (MSFT) fair market value is better than Apple (AAPL) and the tech giant is well prepared for the A.I. push. Azure is a very robust cloud platform designed to provide developers and data scientists with all the tools and solutions for developing all things A.I. Finally, Nvidia (NVDA) is deeply involved with A.I. and machine learning. The high-end chip maker provides massive processing power required to run advanced A.I. applications," says Jeffrey Small.'