Russia Is Accumulating Gold | Need Responsible Sources of Metals

Published: March 11, 2022, 6:14 p.m.

b'Bryan Slusarchuk, CEO of Zacatecas Silver, says they just announced they are acquiring a very large gold asset. The macro set-up was already there for higher prices in gold, even before the Russia-Ukraine conflict. In the past number of years, we have seen gold holdings places like China, Russia, and India accumulates gold, whereas in the west, we have been chasing cryptocurrencies, NFTs and digital assets. We need good, domestic production of strategic metals and oil and gas, or we need access to safe, reliable, ethical, responsible supply metals and gas. Right now so much of the critical supply is coming from places like Russia and China, that are proving not to be responsible trading partners. Bryan stresses the importance of copper and silver, there is no electrification, as in electric cars.'