Rise In European Energy Prices, Decoupling Electricity From Gas Prices

Published: Sept. 3, 2022, 12:34 a.m.

b'"The electricity crash continues in Europe as this winter\'s Futures price per megawatt hour for baseload electricity has been coming down faster than it went up. One reason the EU is forming a plan to decouple electricity from gas prices in the form of payment that operates as a direct grant to power producers aimed at financing part of their fuel costs. Germany\\u2019s electricity generation is only about 15% from natural gas. So decoupling electricity from gas prices is important to bringing prices down and making them more stable. The European Union has met its gas storage filling goal two months ahead of target, allowing all major countries to get above 80% storage capacity well ahead of the November 1 target date and just ahead of the 3 day shutdown of the Nord Stream pipeline that began on Tuesday. \\tEnergy is about 1% of operating expenses for most businesses," says Jefffrey Kleintop.'