EP 232 // Tired Of Being Tired? Try These 7 Tips To Get To Bed On Time Every Night So You Can Get A Full Eight Hours Of Sleep And Have The Energy You Need

Published: July 26, 2022, 11:30 a.m.

b"There's this real trendy thing out there that says moms are supposed to be tired all the time. And I\\u2019m saying a big fat no to that!\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nI want you to be healthy, happy, and whole. Having all of that depends on how much sleep you're able to get.\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nIf you're really tired of being tired, try these 7 tips to get to bed on time and finally have the energy that you want to get through your day!\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nLet\\u2019s dive into today\\u2019s episode!\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nxoxo,\\n\\xa0\\nChelsi Jo\\n\\xa0\\n.\\n.\\n.\\nJoin Our Free Systemize Your Life Community \\xa0 www.facebook.com/groups/systemizeyourlife\\n\\nSuccessfully Manage Your Home + Business Without Feeling Pulled In All Directions\\nWatch The Free Workshop Here\\xa0 www.chelsijo.co/workshop\\n\\nGet Your FREE Time Blocking Workbook Here \\xa0 www.chelsijo.co/timeblockingworkbook\\n\\nGet Your FREE Fundamental Needs Workbook Here\\xa0 \\xa0 www.chelsijo.co/myprioritiesworkbook\\n\\xa0\\n.\\n\\xa0\\n.\\n\\xa0\\n.\\n\\nReady To Jump In And Get Results ASAP? JOIN THE SYSTEMIZE YOUR LIFE ACADEMY HERE www.chelsijo.co/academy"