BONUS // 10 Cheap Birthday Party Ideas For Families On A Budget

Published: April 9, 2020, 2:24 p.m.

b'After my oldest daughter\'s 7th birthday party rang in at a whopping $500 for a piddly 2-hour party, my husband and I looked at each other and said, "something has to change."\\n\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\n\\nI was a single mom and a crafty one for many years, so making grandiose birthday parties for a baby, then toddler, then kindergartner wasn\'t that big of a deal. But she then acquired friends, and preferences, and expectations, and wants. We were stuck with giving and giving and giving, which meant spending and spending and spending.\\n\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\n\\nThis episode is all about how we went from overspending because of cultural expectations, to wise, thoughtful spending of our money to celebrate birthdays for our kids.\\xa0\\n\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\nThe 10 ideas in this episode are just the short list of creative options out there and it\'s sure to get you thinking about how you can approach your little ones upcoming party.\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\n\\nxoxo,\\nChelsi Jo\\n.\\n.\\n.\\nJoin Our Free Systemize Your Life Community \\xa0\\nSuccessfully Manage Your Home + Business Without Feeling Pulled In All Directions\\nWatch The Free Workshop Here\\xa0\\nGet Your FREE Time Blocking Workbook Here \\xa0\\nGet Your FREE Fundamental Needs Workbook Here\\xa0 \\xa0\\n.\\n.\\n.\\nReady To Jump In And Get Results ASAP? JOIN THE SYSTEMIZE YOUR LIFE ACADEMY HERE'