Stop Sending Shut Up Signals: How to Adopt an Improv Mindset and Ritualize Experimentation with Kathy Klotz-Guest (Founder of Keeping it Human)

Published: Sept. 9, 2021, 5 a.m.


In episode 66, Kathy Klotz-Guest helps you realize whether or not you are nurturing innovation or if you are sending \\u201cshut up\\u201d signals.


Kathy Klotz-Guest is a storyteller, humor in business expert, and Founder of Keeping It Human.


In this episode, we talk about the conversations leaders should be having with their team... and how improv can create psychological safety.


We also explore having a template mentality and how leaders should get creative with their approaches in order to build more trust.


Tune in for an entertaining and valuable episode and to learn about the difference between a \\u201cYes, and\\u201d and a \\u201cYes, but\\u201d mentality.
