Rewiring Management: How the Brain Comes Into Play with Leadership (with Rajkumari Neogy, Epigenetic Coach)

Published: Sept. 15, 2022, 5 a.m.



What does neurobiology have to do with leadership?




In episode #117, Rajkumari Neogy shares how the left and right hemispheres of the brain communicate in the workforce and how to use resonant language.


Rajkumari is an epigenetic coach and executive consultant focused on the intersection of neurobiology, culture and empathy in today\\u2019s business world. She has worked with high-powered, worldwide organizations for more than two decades, training leaders at Google, Facebook, Adobe, Indeed, Slack, Salesforce and numerous others.


We also dive into transgenerational trauma, inclusive leadership and second-hand trauma.


Tune in to hear all about Rajkumari\\u2019s leadership journey and the lessons learned along the way!
