Growth As A Default Setting: How to Support Your Team at Different Stages of the Learning Curve (with Whitney Johnson, CEO of Disruption Advisors)

Published: Jan. 4, 2024, 6 a.m.


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Have you ever had a star employee whose performance suddenly dropped and you didn\\u2019t understand why?


Everyone experiences the S curve of job satisfaction. The 3 points in the \\u201cS\\u201d are always a launch point, sweet spot, and mastery. When employees reach mastery, they get bored and less motivated because they\\u2019re not getting the same amount of dopamine from performing the job as before.\\xa0


A former award-winning Wall Street stock analyst, Whitney Johnson applies her understanding of momentum and growth in stocks to people. In her words, \\u201cyou have to be willing to disrupt yourself\\u201d.\\xa0


Whitney Johnson is the CEO of Disruption Advisors, a leadership development company, helping you grow your people to grow your business. A Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Amazon bestselling author, she was named by Thinkers50 as one of the ten leading business thinkers in the world. She is a keynote speaker and a popular lecturer for Harvard Business Publishing\\u2019s Corporate Learning. In 2017, she was selected from more than 17,000 candidates for the initial cohort of Marshall Goldsmith\\u2019s 100 Coaches, and was named the #1 Talent Coach.




In episode #180, Whitney explains how learning is the oxygen of human growth, how to deal with bored employees, the value of getting a coach, and why we need to disrupt ourselves.


Tune in to hear all about Whitney\\u2019s leadership journey and the lessons learned along the way!


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[03:40] Micromanagement on Wall Street


[09:30] Team member growth (the S curve framework)


[18:00] What happens when your employees get to mastery


[25:00] The innovator\\u2019s dilemma


[30:16] Disrupting ourselves leads to growth


[36:00] Surprise and delight






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Check out Disruption Advisors


Read Whitney\\u2019s book Disrupt Yourself


Listen to Episode 80 of Disrupt Yourself


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