Can You Take a Problem from Beginning to End? How to Read Signals and Manage Synthesizers (with Scott Williamson, Chief Product Officer at GitLab)

Published: Feb. 24, 2022, 6 a.m.



It\\u2019s important to know how to manage the synthesizers on your team. But first, let\\u2019s understand who synthesizers are and how they work.


Scott Williamson is the Chief Product Officer at GitLab.


In episode 88, Scott breaks down what it means to be a servant leader and how to manage synthesizers.


We also discuss the difference between KPI\\u2019s and OKR\\u2019s, and how leaders can use those two methods to provide clarity and focus for their team.


Tune in to learn about the signals  Scott watches for to determine where blockers are and he even goes into detail about what a first-class hiring process looks like at Gitlab.
