Why Your Retirement Accounts Don't Matter Nearly As Much As You Think

Published: Nov. 10, 2020, 7 a.m.


People love retirement accounts.

If I had a dollar for every time someone got excited about contributing to their backdoor Roth IRA, I would probably be a millionaire.

While it\\u2019s great energy to have, it\\u2019s not that important to your long-term financial future. In this episode, I share my thoughts on why your retirement accounts don\\u2019t matter nearly as much as you think.

In today\\u2019s episode, you\'ll find out:

  • Reader question: Are student loan repayment grants worth it?
  • Reader question: Two key differences in employer student loan programs
  • Reader question: Can you prepay or make lump sum payments for PSLF?
  • Why backdoor Roth IRAs aren\\u2019t as great as you think
  • My shocking confession about backdoor Roth IRAs
  • When retirement accounts actually DO matter
  • Why age 50 is a key milestone in your retirement plans
  • Why retirement accounts can\\u2019t help you if you want (or need) to retire early
  • How to use a brokerage account as a financial safety net
  • What to do if you want to be financially independent
  • How low-income individuals can reach early retirement
  • Why you shouldn\\u2019t optimize every financial decision


Full show notes at: http://studentloanplanner.com/102


Links mentioned:

StudentAid.gov PSLF guidelines
Physician on Fire guide to backdoor Roth IRAs\\u2028


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