Why do financial advisers give lousy student loan advice?

Published: Oct. 1, 2019, 6 a.m.


Why do so many financial advisers give lousy student loan advice? In this episode, the Student Loan Planner consultants \\u2014 Travis Hornsby, Justin Harvey, Rob Bertman and Lauryn Williams \\u2014 discuss what to look for in a financial adviser, what leads to this bad advice and why an experienced financial adviser is key.

In today\\u2019s episode, you\'ll find out:

  • What to look for in a good financial adviser
  • Why financial advisers need to disclose all conflicts of interest
  • Why Student Loan Planner isn\\u2019t a fiduciary investment adviser
  • How Student Loan Planner can provide the best cash-back bonuses
  • Why most financial advisers aren\\u2019t expert on niche topics
  • What could lead a financial adviser to give poor advice
  • Why paying a hefty fee for an adviser isn\\u2019t always a bad thing
  • How good information lets you make sound financial decisions
  • Why you need to interview potential financial advisers
  • How not having enough experience leads to bad advice
  • Why student loan strategies are foreign for many advisers
  • Why finding an experienced financial adviser is key

Full show notes at: http://studentloanplanner.com/44
