What President Biden Might Do to Student Loans

Published: Nov. 17, 2020, 7 a.m.


Each state is working to certify the official election results, but we have an apparent winner in President-Elect Joe Biden. Given the history of Obama-Biden student loan policies, it\\u2019s likely that we\\u2019ll see some progressive changes that could affect the future of student loans.

Here are seven things that a Biden administration may try to achieve, and my thoughts on how that could affect the treatment of student loan debt going forward.

In today\\u2019s episode, you\'ll find out:

  • What a Biden administration could mean for the future student loans
  • Why Biden might make applying for bankruptcy for student loans easier, and why it doesn\\u2019t matter
  • What forgiveness might look like under Biden\\u2019s plan for borrowers
  • What a compromised forgiveness expansion might look like
  • Why reducing IDR payments could be bad for everybody
  • How the REPAYE program was born and what that could mean for student loan reform
  • How increasing Pell Grants could be a big win for working class or lower-income families
  • Why eliminating the tax bomb likely won\\u2019t happen in the next 4 years
  • How making college free would cause the cost of tuition to skyrocket
  • Why I think Biden\\u2019s team grossly underestimated the cost of their student loan plan
  • Will Trump extend the student loan interest and payment freeze
  • When you should refinance your federal loans
  • Whether you should refinance even if your interest is 0%


Full show notes at: http://studentloanplanner.com/103


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