Using a 529 Plan to Save for Your Kids Education and More with Mary Morris

Published: March 22, 2022, 5 a.m.


Do you have kids or are you thinking of having kids? Want to know how you can help your children avoid the student loan mess you\\u2019ve had to deal with? Join me and Mary Morris, CEO of Virginia529, as we talk about the benefits of a 529 plan and how to set up a tax advantage education savings plan for your children, even if they don\\u2019t exist yet.

In today\\u2019s episode, you\'ll find out:

  • What is a 529 plan and how does it work? What can I use a 529 plan for?
  • How to choose a 529 plan: Cost, investment options, tax advantages, tax deductions, and more.
  • Can I use a 529 plan from a different state?
  • How to use a 529 plan to start a college savings fund for a child who isn\\u2019t born yet.
  • Can I change the name and the beneficiaries on my 529 plan?
    How can my friends and family contribute to my 529 account?
  • Tips for reducing and paying off large student loan debts (529 matches can be a game changer!)
  • Why tax season and holidays are great times to start growing a 529 account.
  • Limitations and restrictions of a 529 plan.
  • Is a prepaid 529 plan worth it?
  • How much monthly savings is realistic for saving for college?
  • Stay tuned to SLP to hear from more amazing guests!\\u2028


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