The Lies Youre Told About Financial Planning

Published: June 7, 2022, 5 a.m.


Society tells us that we can only retire in our 60s. If that\\u2019s your plan, I think it\\u2019s great! But you need to know there are more options available than you have ever dreamed possible, and it all comes down to having the right financial planning strategy in place.

Of course, that\\u2019s easier said than done.

Listen in as I break down what\\u2019s wrong with the standard approach to financial planning, and what you can do to chart a course towards your ideal life in as little as a year.

In today\\u2019s episode, you\'ll find out:

  • Why financial planning isn\\u2019t only for rich people
  • What\\u2019s wrong with the standard approach to financial planning
  • The real purpose of financial planning
  • How to use financial planning to live your ideal life in a year
  • Why financial planning is different than financial tools
  • About different roles of financial planners and how the profession has evolved over time
  • Why increasing your income alone doesn\\u2019t guarantee financial success
  • How to use financial planning tools to your advantage as a student loan borrower

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Feeling helpless when it comes to your student loans?
