Refinancing Your Student Loans Amid Temporary Expanded PSLF

Published: Dec. 21, 2021, 6 a.m.


I reflect on how my wife and I would have approached her student loan strategy differently if given a second chance. Listen as I pick apart a 2015-version of me (who had just started dating my then-girlfriend-now-wife) and the conversations we had around her $124,000 med school loan, and how a seemingly straight path to forgiveness led to a string of complications.

Then, I dive into my thoughts on the ongoing negotiations around Temporary Expanded PSLF and how to go about refinancing your loans in the next couple of months.

In today\\u2019s episode, you\'ll find out:

  • A flashback to my experience with student loans in 2015
  • How my wife and I lost $200,000 on student loans
  • How to avoid wasting tens if not hundreds of thousands on sub-optimal student loan strategies
  • How the best investment strategies can be more powerful than perfect student loan cancellation or forgiveness
  • What to expect out of Temporary Expanded PSLF in the coming months
  • Who in the government is most likely to uphold their end of the ongoing negotiations to expand PSLF

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Feeling helpless when it comes to your student loans?
