Pandemic Recession Investing Q&A

Published: Aug. 11, 2020, 6 a.m.


Knowing how to handle your student loans is only part of the equation. You must also know how to invest so that, one day, you\\u2019ll have so much net worth that having student loans is irrelevant.

Join me as I go through several listener-submitted questions about how to invest with student loans, and how the pandemic recession might impact your strategy.

In today\\u2019s episode, you\'ll find out:

  • What to do if you don\\u2019t have access to a 401k or 403b
  • When I don\\u2019t recommend becoming a landlord
  • My advice for a side hustle for extra income
  • What to do if you get a big windfall
  • The most important metric to consider before investing
  • How to read a mutual fund fact sheet
  • Why the investment returns don\\u2019t matter
  • The best way to invest for your child\\u2019s education
  • How pandemic recession investing compares to investing during the Spanish Flu and the Great Depression
  • Why does the stock market not reflect the current economy
  • Can dentists rely on their private practice as their retirement plan?
  • How to manage your investments when the tax bomb comes due

Full show notes at:


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Feeling helpless when it comes to your student loans?
