Only sweat the big stuff (because the small stuff doesn't matter)

Published: Aug. 13, 2019, 6 a.m.


We can sweat the small stuff \\u2014 like Netflix subscriptions or gym memberships or daily lattes. But sweating the big stuff \\u2014 like housing and car purchases \\u2014 is most important for your financial health. See how these big-ticket items can affect your finances \\u2014 and what to do about it. In today\\u2019s episode, you'll find out: How buying too much house leads to financial train wrecks Why having too many cars isn\\u2019t a good financial decision Why buying a latte every day doesn\\u2019t have much of an impact How not budgeting for compounded expenses leads to problems How much to set aside for housing expenses How price-to-rent ratio works Price-to-rent ratios in major U.S. cities How life changes affect whether to rent or buy a house How reducing high-expense items alleviates financial stress Possible ways to reduce big child-care expenses How family support expenses can get out of control Other big-ticket items to examine How to approach big-ticket purchases Full show notes at:
