Navigating the Maze: Insights into Student Loan Forbearance, Recertification, and Forgiveness

Published: May 23, 2023, 5 a.m.


This episode is packed with essential information to help you stay on top of your student loan game. Meagan McGuire, CSLP\\xae, and Lauryn Williams, CFP\\xae, CSLP\\xae, are here to discuss everything from navigating forbearance and disputing inaccuracies in your payment history to the double consolidation loophole and updates on the PSLF tracker. You\'ll hear tips on maximizing loan forgiveness and which channels to use to contact MOHELA and Nelnet. Plus, you\\u2019ll get updates on the Student Aid portal and a client\\u2019s experience disputing administrative forbearance.\\xa0

In today\\u2019s episode, you\'ll find out:

  • What is the period for recertification and how often does it occur
  • How common it is to be put into forbearance during the recertification process
  • Can borrowers dispute administrative forbearance
  • The best way to dispute forbearance with your loan servicer
  • How payment history before consolidation counts toward your forgiveness timeline
  • How the account adjustment of the IDR Waiver can help you find extra payment credits
  • The best way to contact MOHELA to ask about payment history and forgiveness
  • How to use the reconsideration request form to get faster processing
  • How to dispute inaccuracies in your payment history
  • When the PSLF tracker will be available

Links mentioned:\\xa0
Reconsideration request form
PSLF Help Tool


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