Is It Ever a Good Idea to Abandon Student Loan Forgiveness?

Published: Feb. 16, 2021, 6 a.m.


A big focus of our podcast is maximizing loan forgiveness when you owe a lot more than you earn in student loans. But what if your income grew to a point where it would cost more if you stuck with forgiveness? Should you abandon student loan forgiveness? Join me as I discuss all you need to consider when making the decision to pay off your loan and abandon forgiveness.

In today\\u2019s episode, you\'ll find out:

  • How much money you need to make to consider abandoning loan forgiveness
  • Why you should not abandon PSLF if you have accumulated qualifying credit towards forgiveness
  • Why staying on forgiveness might be the best decision even when you can pay off the loan
  • The circumstances that might force you to abandon forgiveness and pay off your loan
  • The revised debt to income ratio for when it makes sense to pay off your loan
  • How to know when forgiveness is no longer a good option
  • Why you shouldn\\u2019t take a job just because it offers student loan forgiveness
  • What would be the effect of a new PAYE plan with no tax bomb
  • Why you might be unlikely to get student loan forgiveness
  • Why your savings rate is the most important thing when thinking about abandoning forgiveness
  • The reason why you should take the 20-year REPAYE plan if you go for repayment
  • Why Biden\\u2019s student debt cancellation promise might not happen


Full show notes at:


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