How to Optimize Your Student Loans and Finances Using Case Studies from Real Borrowers

Published: Aug. 23, 2022, 6 a.m.


Our very own Lauryn Williams, CFP\\xae, CSLP\\xae, and Sim Terwilliger, CFP\\xae, CSLP\\xae, are tackling case studies of real student loan borrowers. They\\u2019re factoring in student loan balance, income, expenses, and other factors going on in their lives, giving you an inside look at how best to manage specific scenarios. The dynamic duo also answer frequently asked questions to help you better navigate your student loans.

In today\\u2019s episode, you\'ll find out:

  • What to consider when you or your spouse wants to stay at home
  • The best tax advantages available to nearly every borrower
  • What is a Roth 401(k) and how does it work
  • The role of community property states in student loans
  • How estate planning fits into your student loan plan
  • Why you need to certify your loans for forgiveness even if you\\u2019re moving abroad
  • When Total and Permanent Disabilty Discharge comes into play
  • Why you must save for retirement even if you don\\u2019t plan to stop working
  • Mental health factors to consider in financial planning
  • How to plan for student loans if you want to get married (or are already married)
  • When to throw extra money at student loans and when to save money
  • How to find balance with how you want to live your life

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Feeling helpless when it comes to your student loans?

Do you have a question about student loans? Leave us a voicemail here or email us at and we might feature it in an upcoming show!
