How to Make Sure Student Loans Dont Interfere With Your Retirement

Published: July 4, 2023, 6 a.m.


There\\u2019s a complex intersection of education, retirement, and the growing issue of student loan debt, particularly among older individuals.

Join me as I explore the \\u201cgray student loan crisis,\\u201d strategies to lower income for retirement, and how to get six years (or more) of student loan forbearance by simply asking for it. What about healthcare costs in retirement? I\\u2019m covering that, too, including insights into Medicaid and health insurance bureaucracy. Finally, I talk about the importance of mental health and why you should always prioritize your life over your loans.

In today\\u2019s episode, you\'ll find out:

  • How education equips individuals with the tools to save for retirement and achieve their financial goals
  • The emerging gray student loan crisis and how it poses a bigger problem for retirement planning
  • The exponential growth of student loan debt among older individuals, with factors such as rising education costs and the inability to declare bankruptcy contributing to this trend
  • Different strategies to lower income in retirement, including paying income-based repayments on student loans
  • The potential impact of a no-questions-asked forbearance option on student loan repayment strategies and retirement savings
  • Insights into the uncertainty surrounding the end of the student loan pause and its implications for borrowers
  • Why you may want to avoid Medicaid even if you qualify for it
  • The challenges of navigating the healthcare system, specifically related to
  • Medicaid eligibility, healthcare choices, and managing health insurance costs
  • Strategies for utilizing forbearance responsibly to maximize income-based repayments, save money, and build a strong retirement fund
  • The potential benefits of consolidating student loans to extend forbearance eligibility and effectively manage debt


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