How to Achieve a Six-Figure Net Worth in 2022

Published: Jan. 11, 2022, 6 a.m.


We can\\u2019t control the pandemic or public policy, but we can control our actions to dramatically increase our net worth. I\\u2019m going to show you and your family a wealth of options for your wealth. Achieving a six-figure net worth seems like a daunting task, especially when you\\u2019re saddled with student debt. However, I\\u2019ll prove in this episode that your debt shouldn\\u2019t be an obstacle as you build your wealth. Listen in and learn why.

Find out why...

  • You can\\u2019t rely on the income you get from a job
  • Passive income (not from side hustles) is key to wealth
  • Your problem is not having assets and not your student debt
  • The truth to growing assets to create options for yourself
  • A six-figure net worth is the key success metric on the road to building your wealth
  • The world of investing is so confusing nowadays and how to navigate it
  • You have an advantage in the 2022 job market as someone with an advanced degree


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Feeling helpless when it comes to your student loans?
