Fighting Debt with Weapons from the Last War

Published: Dec. 15, 2020, 6 a.m.


It doesn\'t matter how good you are with the sword if you are up against an artillery of guns and other munitions. In the same way, you cannot approach your student loan debt the same way your 60-year-old uncle or your parents approached it. Here\\u2019s how to take advantage of the new weapons in the war on student loan debt.


In today\\u2019s episode, you\'ll find out:


  • How WWI compares to student loan debt today
  • How to make big money as a professional
  • The argument against \\u201csuck it up and pay your student debt\\u201d
  • The big jump in dental school tuition that\\u2019s 55x more than in 1978
  • Why big incomes aren\\u2019t worth the sacrifice
  • Why educational leaders hike up graduate tuition
  • How regulation could stabilize higher education
  • When to know if you should refinance
  • How the refinancing ladder works
  • Where to find the best refinancing bonuses
  • Why forgiveness is a great strategy for borrowers with high debt
  • How much to save if you want to have a comfortable retirement
  • The many strategies, or new weapons, to tackle student loans

Full show notes at:


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Feeling helpless when it comes to your student loans?
