Election Hot Takes with Lauryn Williams

Published: Feb. 18, 2020, 7 a.m.


Student loan reform is a hot topic with the upcoming election. I asked Student Loan Planner Consultant Lauryn Williams to weigh-in on some of what the proposed plans might mean for your student loan payment. Join me as we walk you through what the future of student loans might look like.

In today\\u2019s episode, you\'ll find out:

  • How Bernie\\u2019s \\u201clet\\u2019s forgive all the debt\\u201d plan could boost the economy
  • If a Wall Street tax would help or hurt the middle class
  • How Warren\\u2019s needs-based plan could lower your debt balance
  • Why refinancing all student loans won\\u2019t solve the problem
  • Just how big the racial wealth divide is
  • The huge problem with our current student loan system
  • What you can expect to happen in the future with student loans

Full show notes at: http://studentloanplanner.com/64
