Dr. Zachary Kingsberg on starting your own practice

Published: July 9, 2019, 6 a.m.


Dr. Zachary Kingsberg is a dentist who, after graduating from the very expensive Nova Southeastern University, is now running his own dental practice startup in Dallas alongside his wife. In this episode, see how Zach began his startup journey, how he handled his student loans and the advice he\\u2019d give for an up-and-coming dentists on starting your own practice.

In today\\u2019s episode, you\'ll find out:

  • Zach\\u2019s journey into dental school
  • How his associateship period played out
  • How he and his wife prepared themselves to become startup practice owners
  • How Zach went about acquiring patients
  • The process of getting funding from a bank for a dental startup
  • How demographics played into how Zach started his practice
  • The issues he ran into trying to secure a mortgage
  • Zach\\u2019s advice for refinancing student loans and getting a mortgage
  • What he learned about running a dental practice in the first year
  • How he handled marketing for his practice
  • How running a bread-and-butter clinic has kept costs low
  • Why Zach\\u2019s practice focuses on simple dentistry over cosmetics
  • How income-driven repayment could have helped Zach\\u2019s loan applications
  • His long-term goals for his practice
  • Zach\\u2019s experience with hiring (and firing) employees
  • The advice he\\u2019d give to a dentist associate considering a startup
  • The importance of being willing to work hard as a new dentist

Full show notes at: http://studentloanplanner.com/32
