Demystifying Life Insurance Myths with Rob Bertman and Lauryn Williams

Published: May 30, 2023, 5 a.m.


The topic of life insurance has so many nuances that even people who already own policies find it confusing. Lauryn Williams, CFP\\xae, CSLP\\xae, and Rob Bertman, CFA, CFP\\xae, discuss the complexities of life insurance and how it can be misused to exploit people. You\\u2019ll hear anecdotes of people who have invested in whole life insurance policies with high fees and low returns, sometimes being sold on the idea of building wealth by unscrupulous salespeople. The dynamic duo also shares how reputable financial advisors and investment options are more accessible and affordable than ever before. Finally, you\\u2019ll learn the importance of life insurance as a necessary product for catastrophic loss and ongoing support to safeguard your dependents.

In today\\u2019s episode, you\'ll find out:

  • The myths surrounding whole life insurance
  • The problem with commissions in whole life insurance investments
  • Why people with lower income levels are often taken advantage of through financial schemes
  • Why knowing if you\\u2019re being sold something will help you build wealth or prevent you from building wealth is crucial
  • How lack of knowledge about insurance policies can be harmful
  • Rob\\u2019s analysis of whole life policies and permanent insurance policies
  • The fallacy in the way whole life insurance is sold
  • Better ways to invest money than whole life insurance, especially in your 20s when you\'re in your prime wealth-building years
  • Why you need a \\u201cfull financial picture advisor\\u201d instead of an insurance salesperson
  • The continued need for life insurance, especially when you\'re young


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