Conquering anxiety and depression after 300k of film school debt, with Stephanie Bousley

Published: March 31, 2020, 6 a.m.


Stephanie Bousley talks about how to get rid of student loan debt to live your best life in her new book Buy the Avocado Toast. This week, I talk with Stephanie about how she accumulated $300k of student loan debt while going to film school in one of the most expensive cities in the world, and how she\\u2019s paying it off while living a comfortable life.

In today\\u2019s episode, you\'ll find out:

  • Why you can\\u2019t work your way out of student loan debt
  • How having six-figures of debt doesn\\u2019t make you irresponsible
  • Stephanie\\u2019s struggle with shame and secrecy about her debt
  • Why Stephanie has refinanced her student loans 5+ times
  • What I would have advised Stephanie if she were my client
  • Stephanie\\u2019s advice about rewarding yourself even when you have debt

Full show notes at:
